What is The Shadow?
The Shadow is made of the parts within us that we repress, deny, exile, are ashamed of, and avoid. It is our primitive, negative human emotions that represent our “dark side”, and therefore disown.
As a result of shunning these parts, a split is created within our Psyche and being which creates unhealthy patterns of behavior and suffering.
The Shadow can be glimpsed through:
Negative Behavioral Patterns (Addictions, Violence, Emotional Avoidance, Perfectionism…)
Incongruent Behaviors (Self-Sabotage, Victimization… )
False Belief Systems –around Self, others, the world
Unspoken Fears
Personal Narratives
What is Shadow Work?
Shadow work is the process of getting to know these parts of ourselves we are not, or only partly, aware of (they live in the unconscious). We bring to the surface the attributes, attitudes, impulses, and qualities incompatible with our self-identity into consciousness, so we can eventually accept them. It is an integral part of psychological development.
Goal and Stages
The intention of Shadow Work is to harmonize the opposing tensions within us and move towards psychic wholeness, so we can achieve greater peace and balance in our lives. We do so by: Meeting our Shadow (Bringing it to awareness); Integrating our Shadow (befriending it); Letting go of the parts that don’t serve us anymore; Discovering our Golden Shadow.